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  • Writer's pictureAtchareeya Jattuporn

DMX & Hue Controller

This week, I made two light control projects.

DMK control

I tried to make the DMX controller with Arduino by following the tutorial and following the sACN Example from Tom.

I decided to use 4 photoresistors to control the 4 DMX lights. Imagine this is a dance performance that the performers can move their bodies to control the light on the stage.

Here is the demonstration of the project.

The code:

Before start controlling the light. I decided to do sensor calibration to get the maximum and minimum values of the sensors and map it with the value of the light.

Hue Control

for hue control, I worked as a group with Siyuan, Nicole and Hanyi. Our assignment is to create a light sequence for garment reveals in a fashion show.

First, we designed the light sequence together. The concept of our show is "Winter to Summer" fashion show

This is our sequence for the show.

We decided to use P5 to make our controller

Here is the demonstration of the project.

Thanks for Siyuan for finishing most of the code for us :D


One part that we didn't achieve is created the scene using Hue API

We found that we can use Scenes API to control multiple lights at the same time. But we are not successfully creating a scene to the hue hub

Here is the error we found

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